I'm continuing the verse memorization with Psalm 8:1-4 which J. Mack Stiles selects in his book Evangelism as a passage that points to God as Creator.
O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens. Out of the mouth of babies and infants, you have established strength because of your foes, to still the enemy and the avenger. When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?
Psalm 8:1-4
What I love about this passage is how it acknowledges not only that God is the Creator, but how humbling creation is for us. How creation acts as a witness to the majesty of God and His awesome power, and yet, He made us to bear His image.
I can't help but think of the many star filled nights where I have been able to gaze in awe in how massive the night sky is. The depth of it filled with countless stars and the Milky Way set across the sky like a sash around the Earth. In such moments I feel incredibly small and incredibly insignificant. Knowing God created all this and all that can't be seen beyond the night sky. And yet, God is mindful of me, and you, and all who bear His image.
This passage though not only highlights how humbling the witness of creation can be, but it highlights the fact that God is Creator. This truth of God is well worth meditating on and pondering its significance. We are not God, we are not the Creator, we are His creatures, we are created. Even though we bear His image, there is a distinction between us and Him that will always remain for all eternity, a distinction between the Creator and the created.
To consider God as Creator is to consider His awesome power. Just consider all that has been made and how all that has been made was made from nothing. From the Word of God came all things. What power and might and wisdom must be needed to accomplish such a thing. It is a truth that we, who have been created by Him, can only ponder and never truly grasp. A right response to this reality is one of fear, reverence, awe, and worship.
Volumes could be written on the implications of God as Creator and how the creature ought to live in light of the Creator. But one thing I would like to note before ending is this. All that God has created has a purpose, a meaning, an end. The question for us, and for those we witness to is this: to what end is your life? What's the purpose of your existence? Where do you find meaning? What has God intended for you? What has God intended for you in light of the Fall? Has our Creator made it possible for us to once again acheive His intended end for us?
Thankfully, the same Word that created all things also reveals all the answers to those questions. To think, God who created all, would be mindful of us who have sinned, to give us His Word and to send His Word to us in the flesh to redeem us from our sin for His glory.
(Logos Bible Software)